Recently my st. john ambulance malaysia, north perak have run a camp. it was the last camp that i was in the committee members. i felt very sad of it because i might be not able to join this kind of activties in the future to come. i feel hardly to let go myself from the this organization because this is the place where i get my knowledge on how to be a successful person. from the organizing this kind of camp, i have a lot of thing such as looking at the other angle when we were facing some problem of it. all problem have their own to solve it, its the matter on how we see it and how we overcome on it. by looking the different angle of the problem will helps us to solve the problem effectively.
i feel very sad on it when the camp is over because i notice that i wouldn’t be serving for this kind of organization anymore because i have to face my exam next year and have to further up my study after my exam. what i can do is just keep this memorable memory in my bottom of my heart. where the friendship among my friend can be continue and keep in touch.