Why i choose 'life among us' as the headline because i would like to express my feeling on the life that we are living on now. I hope that all the people view this blog will give some comments to it.
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Sunday, 4 April 2010
my love life
Now, I knew that love can't be play or been misused off cause anything done by us will hurt the person of your behalf of our life so we should treasure every moment of our life to the one we really love.
A person can like many in once but we only can love a person in once of our life so don't simply used the words of 'I LOVE YOU' while you are not sure that you are really in love with him or her.
Thursday, 1 April 2010
今日は私の物の最も心配した日彼女の親心配から行くために彼女を見る原因I最初にだった。 さらに、彼女は彼女がちょっと友好的に鳴るか、または見るが彼女自身をだけ保つため態度を有する。 彼女は彼女のこの時に起こることを彼女ができる人健康な彼女自身の心配に彼女を取ること実際にの水を飲むちょっと憎悪の、時々私により多くの心配を彼女がそれのために病気になるかもしれない原因についての彼女する1日あたりの水の500mlだけを行く何を私が実際に心配する他に実際に開いた取る人であり。 私は実際に旅行中できる彼女により過去を忘れ、開発すること実際に彼女自身もう一度彼女のchubby一見を引き起こし、彼女からの無実の微笑が彼女長くて決してまたやらない彼女の最もよい面だったことを望む。 これにより彼女の傷を以前引き起こすかもしれないが、aの過去は彼女が旅行から来、彼女は彼女自身についての心配まで多くにより前に学べることを望む後過去が消失するという希望を過ぎたaである。
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Trip of mine

Today was a wonderful trip of mine with my dearly friends to Penang. Although, we just went to Penang Island only but i still feel kinda enjoyable cause it was my first trip with my best buddy Elwis Chong Ying Junn. He was must best buddy since the secondary schooling started. I hope that we both can go for more and more trip together in the times to come.
Saturday, 27 March 2010
The worried of mine
Today was the most worried day of mine cause i watching her to go away from her parents care in the first time. In addition, she has a attitude which like to keep herself alone although she will sound or look kinda friendly. She is a person which not really open to others which i really worry what gonna happen to her this moment and she is a person which not really able to take care on herself well even she is kinda hatred to drink a water and sometimes she only take 500ml of water per day which makes me more worry her about cause she might get sick for that. I really hope that throughout the trip she really able to forget the past and open up herself once again cause her chubby looks and innocent smiles from her was her best aspect which been a long she never does again. This might cause a hurt on her in the past but a past is a past hope that the past will vanish after she came from the trip and hope that she will be able to learn up to care about herself more than before.
Aaron Chin Yuk Yoon, birthday date : 14
You are so confident that sometimes you forget about the people around you. If you have to be in one of the two teams, you will choose to be in the winning team. On the other and, you are kind and caring but above all, you care for your own benefits. Your imagination is unique and often gets implemented shortly after it comes across.
Your Love
You will not get soft with the one you don`t really like, no matter how hard he/she tries. But once you feel for someone you have chosen, there`s no getting back.
With a birthday on the 14th of the month you are inclined to work well with people and enjoy them. You are talented and versatile, very good at presenting ideas, and you are also very good at organization and systematizing. You may have a tendency to get itchy feet at times and need change and travel. You tend to be very progressive, imaginative and adaptable. Your mind is quick, clever and analytical. A restlessness in your nature may make you a bit impatient and easily bored with routine, and rebel against it. You have a tendency to shirk responsibility.
Shakespeare, Karl Marx, Neil Armstrong, Eisenhower and Albert Einstein were born under the number 5.
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
The moment of my life is coming
The moment of my life is going strike on me during the 16 of march. It is kinda freak out when I started to heard about the news. This is the moment which determine my future onwards. I hope myself and also my dear friends can get a good result during the time to come and I really hope that my wish really come true cause I knew that some of my friends really need a good result to carry on their further education and I here hope that the god will bless on them to pass with flying colors so that they can carry on their further study and to be a successful person to serve for the country which we knew that our country is getting less and less capable leader to lead the country to a next level of world. As we know that student now is the next replacement leader in the future. Therefore more and more encouragement from the government especially from their own family should be given to our little future leaders to build up a better future and certainly brings us to a world which we called as the first country.
Monday, 1 February 2010
My sadness moment
Today I found myself have lost something very important but in first I just thought that I can found it anywhere else but now I found that it isn't that simple to forget someone you really love from your bottom of the heart. Early of morning, I help my mum to do some house chores for the preparing of Chinese New Year. While cleaning my rooms, I had found back my old rings which I brought for my ex girlfriend and me. It use to be in one set but have lost the behalf of my ex girlfriend ring. I took up my ring and start to flashing back the happy moment of us during the past which I make joke and make her angry but she still look so cute while still angry on me.
In a mistake of mine, I had drop the ring and I have search whole room for it but I can't find it back but in the end I found back the ring but is not mine. I found back my ex girlfriend ring which just fit on my last finger only. I found it very hilarious that why we don't have a second chance to be together again but maybe the UP There is playing on to us.
When I try my best to search back on your behalf but I can't find and when I had lost my behalf, I have found back yours. This is something like a fairy tales which tells moral values around and remind us to treasure everyone beside but in a fairy tales ends up with a good ending but not mine. My love is something like a circle which we can't see the starts and the ends which makes me keep on and on searching on my behalf and hope that will having a good ends with her.
Yesterday night when I started to dose off, I have a terrified dream. I dream that all friends have leaved me behind in a darkness of nowhere and I was awaked after that. I start to flashing back my ex girlfriend of mine which she really care and faithful to me but instead of me being appreciate on to her, I have break with her. The reason for me to break with her in the past is all about my arrogance on my images founding which ends up my relationship with her. At the particular precious of time, I think that I can found back someone better than her including the appearance but now I found out that love isn't it all about the appearance but instead the true love that expressed from the bottom of our heart.
Later on, I felt very guilty on to her and I found that her presence in my daily life is very important but all comes in too late for me to make a change because she is now lovely with her couple by now and I here also wish her to be lovely with her behalf of her life. I wish you all lovely forever.